We started off with KL Le Meridien as the place is central enough for all of our guests and my previous company had thrown a function there before at the poolside + saloon + Al Nafourah Restaurant (a mediterranean restaurant). The set up was fantastic! I was so amazed at how detailed the decor is. And above all, the poolside is high enough for us to face KLCC and hence is very cooling.

The interior - i.e. the saloon which is linked to Al-Nauforah restaurant is very arabic-like. Kinda like a rustic and vintage feel. Really very warm and cosy. So in view of the above, I dragged took Bear to check up on Le Meridien as our first stop.

The intended plan was to hold the ceremony the day before (i.e. 9/10/10) at the pool side in the cool of the evening, followed by cocktail (read: liquor) in the saloon. Then the dinner banquet will fall on 10/10/10. As confirmed, Bear was impressed with the venue.

So we took the brochure back and made an appointment to meet up with the marketing coordinator the following day. And mind you, their wedding dinner starts from RM1,799++. Do the math, and it will be RM2,070 nett per table. That is crazy expensive ok!
The following day, we met up with the person (forgot her name) and to our disappointment, she didn't come prepared AT ALL! Really wasted our time ok! First impression - OUT! Imagine, simple things like this also they are not prepared, how are we gonna entrust them to coordinate our wedding!
Thereafter, she promised that she will call and email me providing more details. When the email didn't come, I called back and whoever that caller was was downright rude! She has this air of arrogance surrounding her (voice) that has this kinda 'If you don't have the money, then you can forget Le Meridien. We are too up-market to entertain people like you' attitude.
So, yeah forget about Le Meridien we did. Up-market my foot! At the price they are charging and with an internationally-acclaimed 5 star status, I EXPECT better service than that!
Hence, we moved on to the next hotel.
The Bride-To-Be
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