No.. I didn't slit my arms in case if you are wondering. Went for my first ever full blood test (and urine test) with my parents. And no, I don't have any terminal diseases (thank God) in case if you are wondering too.

Just that for my own knowledge and health reasons, I always wanted to do a full test and to make sure that it's being done annually - like they say prevention is better than cure right? Moreover, my family has a history of heart, cholesterol, and cancer problems so yeah that explains why I take this test quite seriously.

After months of procrastination, I finally dropped by Path Lab in Old Klang Road with my parents today to have my bloodsucked out taken. Both my parents also were due for their tests. Remember ya, you would have to fast the day before ok. And for ladies, make sure you don't have your menses at that time (if you intend to do a urine test).

Just that for my own knowledge and health reasons, I always wanted to do a full test and to make sure that it's being done annually - like they say prevention is better than cure right? Moreover, my family has a history of heart, cholesterol, and cancer problems so yeah that explains why I take this test quite seriously.

After months of procrastination, I finally dropped by Path Lab in Old Klang Road with my parents today to have my blood

Unfortunately, I was the first one being called in. And when the needle was poked in I screamed yelped a little. Thank God my parents were there to give moral support. :p I think I am quite brave lo ... volunteer myself to do a blood test knowing full well that I am TERRIFIED of needles. *pat myself on the back* :)
I took the full package and it costs me a whooping RM230 bucks!! Sigh.. never mind la, these are necessity stuff that needs to be spent on right? When the lady took my blood, she was saying that my blood is too thick - a sign of either I am not drinking enough water or I have cholesterol problem. I would know the results by Friday. Thank you Jesus for perfect health!!!!! :)
Me and my Mum's package also covers Bone Density Scans. It is basically an indication of osteoporosis, brittle bone, arthritis and the likes of it. Mum was way below the threshold level, and me at such a young age is at the borderline. Dad gave me a lecture on not taking care of my health.. of being at such a young age and not pregnant, yet having such low bone density. :(
Ok la.. I know la. I will be vigilant in taking my calcium pills, drinking more milk, and consuming more cheese. Seriously! I want to take care of my health while I am still young.
And to end this post ...
Ahem .. Wei Shin don't delay anymore ya! :p

I took the full package and it costs me a whooping RM230 bucks!! Sigh.. never mind la, these are necessity stuff that needs to be spent on right? When the lady took my blood, she was saying that my blood is too thick - a sign of either I am not drinking enough water or I have cholesterol problem. I would know the results by Friday. Thank you Jesus for perfect health!!!!! :)
Me and my Mum's package also covers Bone Density Scans. It is basically an indication of osteoporosis, brittle bone, arthritis and the likes of it. Mum was way below the threshold level, and me at such a young age is at the borderline. Dad gave me a lecture on not taking care of my health.. of being at such a young age and not pregnant, yet having such low bone density. :(
Ok la.. I know la. I will be vigilant in taking my calcium pills, drinking more milk, and consuming more cheese. Seriously! I want to take care of my health while I am still young.
And to end this post ...
Ahem .. Wei Shin don't delay anymore ya! :p

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