I have decided to use both my nieces as the flower girls for my wedding. And since now is the mega sales, I took the opportunity to shop around for their dresses. I didn't know that kids clothes are so darn expensive nowadays its crazy ok!!! One dress can fetch up to RM200!!
I was walking around Mid Valley in hopes of finding a suitable one at a cheaper price because I am on a budget - so have to be practical about things. Plus, children will outgrow their clothes very fast. Of course, I don't intend to be so cheapo to get those cheesy puffy sleeves ones with big ugly flowers and horrible synthetic material. They are after all my nieces so I don't want to be too kiamsap also.

Alas, couldn't find anything so I gave up. Today, during lunch I went to One Utama to check out the Flower Girls Shop (opposite FOS) and quite immediately found what I wanted. It's a simple green dress with pink fuchsia ribbon at the waist. And the price was within my budget too.

Yup, I've bought it .. another item off the wedding list ticked out. *phew*
p/s: Photos are ugly cos taken with my BB in a dimly lit room. Trust me the dresses are real pretty.
Mrs Lee
Cantik! I bought mine too :) Hehehe..