Actually, it didn't take long for me to decide to rear a fish. Unlike how I got my Maxy Boy. Well, to me fishes are ... fishes. Plus I only got this one for RM2.00 so kalau mati also I won't feel bersalah. In other words, it was purely impulse buying. (SPCA won't put me in jail want, right?)
I've decided to go for a Siamese Fighting Fish aka Betta Splenders (scientific name). I remembered when I was much younger, me, my brothers, and cousins used to have one each as pets. At that time, it was the 'in' thing for children to have ... on second thought, maybe we were just simple kampung boys/girls from Seremban. :)
I've decided to go for a Siamese Fighting Fish aka Betta Splenders (scientific name). I remembered when I was much younger, me, my brothers, and cousins used to have one each as pets. At that time, it was the 'in' thing for children to have ... on second thought, maybe we were just simple kampung boys/girls from Seremban. :)
If I recall correctly, mine was a green color one, my brother was a blue one, and my cousin's was a red one. We reared the fishes until they were quite big which eventually died of old age (I hope). Thereafter, we've never rear any more fishes. Except for my Dad with his unending quest for goldfishes and Arowanas - which all end up inevitably dying. Prematurely. heh~
For first-timers, I would recommend to rear this breed because it is very very low maintenance and it is hardy. In other words, it won't die easily la. :p
Step 1:
You need the following ingredients basic items first:
(i) A tank with ample space
(ii) Anti-chlorine drops
(iii) Fish food

And of course, a fish!

Step 2:
Now you are good to go! Wash the aquarium thoroughly first. Make sure there are no leftover soap in the tank. Filled it up with water. For a tank my size, you need to put 10 drops of the anti-chlorine because apparently fish will die in chlorine water (for the benefit of those dungu ones like me .. tap water is chlorinated). Lastly, release the fish gently into the aquarium.

That's all! Simple ya! :) All in all my entire purchase cost RM25 only! Also with an aquarium this small and no dangling stuff (like wires, oxygen, filter etc), it is very easy to clean and change the water.
On the first night, I overfed. The tank ended up looking very dirty like this -.-":

Then, the fish started making funny air bubbles. I thought he was suffocating/drowning either from the:
(i) Over-dosage of food; or
(ii) Water is too chlorinated
So I googled and found out that my fish is a male (long-tail are males, short-tail are females) and he is making BUBBLE NEST! To make the bubbles, the fish takes up air in its mouth, coats it with saliva, and spits out the bubbles which sticks together on the surface of the water. He is ready to mate! Interesting huh? No wonder, he is so protective about me approaching close to the aquarium.

Nest? Spawn? Mate? Babies???
Do you think this is a sign??????
Mrs Lee
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