On 9th April, me and my colleagues decided to pay a visit to an old folks home. Apart from bonding within the team, we felt that it is time to give back to the society one way or another. After much Googling and researching, I found Phyllis Caring Home in Jalan Universiti, PJ. The idea is that we wanted to visit those homes that are really in need - not those private nursing homes.
Phyllis Caring home was established by Madam Phyllis Nathan with the help of four churches; St Francis Xavier, Fatimah, Assumption, and Holy Rosary. The home has 13 residences in total, of which two are blind, and two are mentally handicapped.
The whole experience was really eye-opening. You wonder how can children actually bring themselves to leave and abandon their own parents when they are old? What happened to filial piety?

Take for example Aunty Juliet (on the right in the picture below). She can speak perfect English and had work in Telekom and Bank Bumiputra before as a secretary/PA. She has one daughter who had fell out of contact due to some arguments. She lives alone with 7 dogs. One day, she fell down and knocked her head. She was unconscious. No one knew about it. When she was discovered, it was already too late - she had suffered from a short term memory loss. Despite it all, her daughter still didn't come back to look for her. Until now, she still asks for her daughter and her 7 dogs.
Aunty Renu (on the left in the picture below) comes all the way from Sibu. She has children of which all are grown up and working. Her husband had past on and non of her children is willing to take her in.

Unfortunately, stories like these are not uncommon in the home. We also bought some supplies for them as well. Note: Before buying anything, please call up Madam Phyllis to enquire what is needed. You don't want to buy things which the folks don't need or is in redundant. Especially perishable goods.

Alternatively, you may pay them a visit. After all, what the old folks want is for people to talk to them and to listen to them. Because day in day out, all they do is stare at the four walls of the house. Because they are lonely. Because they needed someone to care for them.

Below here is Uncle Johnathan - who is blind. His favorite past time is to listen to the small portable radio.

Here is another blind resident. There are kind people who would buy Braille books for her to read. She fell and broke her hips so she is bedridden. Despite that, there are volunteers from nearby churches who would take her in a wheelchair for church service every week. Talk about faith and dedication.

All in all, this trip was really a humbling experience. To see these old folks being left alone in their golden years by their own children is heart-wrenching. How could people resort to doing things like this?

When we were babies who took care of us?
Who gave us an education so we can have a better life?
Who put food on the table for us?
Who slogged most of their lives for us?
It is our parents.
When they are old, shouldn't we take care of them just like how they took care of us? Wouldn't we want our own children to do so when we are old?
Think about it.
If you want to donate or visit PHYLLIS CARING HOME, you may contact :
Madam Phyllis
(+603-7956 0799)
No. 19,
Jalan 12/12,
46000 Petaling Jaya
Let's make a difference.
Mrs Lee
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