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My 6 months baby bump *heart* |
Wow time flies huh? Without realising, I am at the end of my second triemster and entering into the final trimester. *gulp*
Pregnancy Glow:
My second trimester has been a breeze and I am very blessed. So enjoyable! People have said that I look radiant *ahem* - I guess it's the pregnancy glow huh?
Body Shape:
Also, at 6 months my tummy still doesn't look too big. Honestly, I don't feel big-sized nor do I walk like a penguin. However, my appepite did increase as in like at around 4:00 - 4:30pm I would be hungry. That being said, after my tea-time snack, I won't be able to finish my dinner later in the day from being still full.
My cravings were pretty mild and subdue - usually they are proper meals and even if I do crave occasionally in-between meals i.e. supper or dessert, I will only take half the portion. Blessing in disguise eh? That way, I don't baloon up and losing those pregnancy weights would be easier. :)
With great joy, I would like to announce that so far there are no unsightly stretch marks *fingers cross*. Of course, I am using lotion (Pureen by the way - review will be up soon) but honestly am not very diligent in applying it. Mum said the major contributing factor is my genes cos she don't have any marks as well self-praise pulak. I guess in this department I am very blessed as well? :)
Leg Cramps:
Nope. Never experienced it before *phew*. Probably it's because I have always had the habit of sleeping on my side so I guess it helps? And no, I don't use those expensive sleep/maternity/hug pillows.
Occasional Sleep-Derived:
No idea why this happens but apparently it is normal. My sleeps are usually interrupted with lots of tossing and turning, frequent toilet trips (standard time is 2am, 4am, and 5:30am), weird dreams, and hot flushes.
It does drives me up the walls. My tummy and boobs is always itchy! It is due to the stretching of the skin as both areas expand. Normal la, I guess.
Hot Flushes:
According to Dr Delaila, a pregnant's woman metabolic rate will increase up to 2 1/2 times compared to a normal woman. Which means your body burns fats more than twice as hard. Which translates to heat. The flushes can be quite annoying especially in our humid weather here. Hot flushes will lead to sweat which will lead to itchiness (refer above). Now you understand my predicament?
Your boobs is no longer what you thought it used to be. Suddenly it has increased in size (urgh!) - your bra becomes too tight and uncomfortable (couple it with the hot flushes and sweat and itchiness) and I do feel like walking around bra-less most of the time. Time to get myself those nursing bra/camisole already. Your nipple area becomes dry (no idea why) and for me, it started leaking (?!). I Googled and apparently it's colostrum which are good substance for your baby. Anyway, I'm just gonna be positive about it and take it as a good omen that I will produce large quantities of breast-milk for my baby when the time comes. :p
I tend to burp and fart a lot. Very unlady like but can't be helped. I would rather get the air out then feel bloated the whole time.
Mild Heart Burn:
Happens usually when I take spicy and oily food. This one memang sendiri cari pasal - I love to eat curry and spicy food!!
Hot Flushes:
According to Dr Delaila, a pregnant's woman metabolic rate will increase up to 2 1/2 times compared to a normal woman. Which means your body burns fats more than twice as hard. Which translates to heat. The flushes can be quite annoying especially in our humid weather here. Hot flushes will lead to sweat which will lead to itchiness (refer above). Now you understand my predicament?
Your boobs is no longer what you thought it used to be. Suddenly it has increased in size (urgh!) - your bra becomes too tight and uncomfortable (couple it with the hot flushes and sweat and itchiness) and I do feel like walking around bra-less most of the time. Time to get myself those nursing bra/camisole already. Your nipple area becomes dry (no idea why) and for me, it started leaking (?!). I Googled and apparently it's colostrum which are good substance for your baby. Anyway, I'm just gonna be positive about it and take it as a good omen that I will produce large quantities of breast-milk for my baby when the time comes. :p
I tend to burp and fart a lot. Very unlady like but can't be helped. I would rather get the air out then feel bloated the whole time.
Mild Heart Burn:
Happens usually when I take spicy and oily food. This one memang sendiri cari pasal - I love to eat curry and spicy food!!
So yeah, in a nutshell, that's my pregnancy update.
Mummy Geri
Mummy Geri
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