Baby Isaac

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Braxton Hicks

I've been getting Braxton Hicks pretty often nowadays. I guess it's normal when I am so close to my due date and my the baby is getting bigger in my tummy.

Always wondered how does a Braxton Hicks felt like because I can't tell the difference between that or the movement of the baby. Well, now I know. Basically, it's a mild contraction where your tummy tightens and then releases itself like a spasm. Imagine you clenching and opening your fists. Yeah, the movement is something like that. 

Is it painful? 

At this point I won't say that it is. Just that it can get uncomfortable - it's like you are having a cramp. For me, when Braxton Hicks happens, I would need to stop whatever that I am doing and hold onto my tummy to ease the " feeling of tightness". It comes and goes randomly and usually lasts for about a couple of seconds.

Well.. I guess the time is almost coming for me to see the baby bear huh? 

Mummy Geri

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