Baby Isaac

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Waiting Game ...

is no fun! -.-"

I am sitting at home doing nothing except to wait for signs of labour. My friend today had send me a prayer link which I love a lot and this will be my mantra prayer until I deliver. She's due the same time as me. :)

"Father, as I look forward to delivery of my sweet baby, having enjoyed a blessed pregnancy of full duration, I thank You in advance for Your word, Your blessings, Your peace, Your presence, and Your divine intervention. I pray and confess that my body and my baby will cooperate with perfect, supernatural delivery, that there will be no problems of any kind. I also believe and declare that my labor and delivery will be quick, short, easy, and painless. I believe and declare that I'll have time to get to the proper place with proper help. 

Baby, in Jesus' name, you move and place yourself in perfect position for birth: head first, not breech and face down. You rotate properly as God intended you to. I command the umbilical cord to be in proper position as well. Body, you function perfectly during this time. I have perfect peace and am relaxed. All fear must go and stay gone for I have God, who is perfect love and casts of fear. My body will not be tense, but relax, at peace. I speak specifically to all the parts of my body to come in line with God's Word and Will.   

Father, I believe that at the proper time for delivery my water will break and my uterus will do its job and begin to contract and push my baby down the birth canal and out into our loving arms and lives. I command my cervix to dilate fully to 10cm, to be elastic and stretch. To the uterus, vagina, perineum, vulva as well as my cervix, you relax, be elastic and stretch without causing pain or any complications. Accommodate the birth of my baby. Furthermore, I declare in Jesus' name that I will not tear or need an episiotomy. Father, pain is under the curse of the Law, and your Word says that Jesus bore our pain, so I rebuke all pain and will not tolerate pain. I will have a short, easy, pain free delivery in Jesus' name." 


Mummy Geri


  1. So excited for you! haha.. I for one am sure I will not see week 39.. the twins will definitely be out at the latest by week 38 (although doctors think they will arrive by end week 36) ;D

    how big is your baby now? like weight wise?

    good luck!

  2. He is now 3.2kg which according to the Dr is normal weight. Why would yours be so early in Week 36? How's your twins getting along? Boys or girls?
