Remember my latest predicament on the wedding decor for my church matrimonial ceremony? So no choice, I had to look for another one quickly. Now please don't give me the why so kan cheong comment ok. How can I not be kan cheong when the wedding is only 3 months 2 weeks and 5 days away (if you haven't noticed it yet, I have a ticker at the bottom of my blog) !!!!!! Okkkaayy... I am getting a tad nervous now. 0_o" Wedding blues ~
I went through my entire old contact list of vendors and painstakingly emailed them one by one, hoping that they won't remember me. Paiseh ok ... when you had enquired about quotes and interrogated them and then you tiba-tiba bail out at the last minute and decided not to engage in their service due to pricing. This is what I call the "fishing-mentality". Pardon me, but we are running on a budget here ok.

Well in my quest of searching, I stopped by Favors Essence website and lo and behold they are having a promotion for both dinner banquet (RM3,000 net) and ROM / Solemnization (RM500 net) decoration. Immediately, I zoomed in on the Solemnization package and emailed Agnes (the person in charge).

As emails were flying back and forth, I suddenly realized that the package offered is for synthetic flowers - i.e. artificial flowers (patut la so murah). I asked her how much do I need to top-up if I wanted fresh flowers arrangements and in accordance to my theme. To my delight, it was actually RM220 cheaper than my initial decorator. What a relief!
Straightaway signed up and paid the 50% deposit - of course after consulting with Bear first. As for the extra sweetener, pastor also had approved of the decor! Am SO HAPPY! Thought that I would have a real problem trying to get things approved in church. Double sigh of relief! Phew! For your info, to accelerate approvals it would be great if you could provide church with a rough sketch on what you intend to do and the measurements of the pedestals. (Flo .. valuable tips for you)

Honestly, for those who intend to do ROM and needs decor I think it is worth trying Favors Essence (although the flowers are artificial). After all it only costs RM500 net. The outcome will look exactly like the picture below. Every single detail will be the same.
Well ... there you have it. A peek into what my church decor will look like. Of course, using fresh flowers and going in accordance to my color theme. :) Simple, clean, and sweet. I like!
Church decor ... SOLVED!
All pictures are courtesy from Favors Essence
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