One fine Friday evening after work, we were walking around in Mid Valley just to spend some quality time together. We walked past the Mid Valley Exhibition Hall (MVEH) and found out that there was a wedding expo going on
So naturally, we went in to have a look. Seriously! I only wanted to look because I was quite determined to sign up with Touch Collection (formerly known as Van Gogh) in SS2. Once, for the fun of it we visited the boutique back in 2008 and yours truly me tried on some of their gowns *blush*. Yes, no doubt they have very little selection as compared to the other boutiques in SS2, I liked almost all of their designs - simple and elegant. Another major plus point is their in-house photographer, Adam Ong. Love love love his work! Very artistic and natural (He subsequently left the Group and is a free-lancer now). I was SO tempted to sign up there and then ok for their package!
Ok back to the story, so we were minding our business and making our rounds - I was getting irritated because we were bombarded with hoards of sales people from these bridal houses like flies! There were English, broken Engrish English, Cantonese, and Mandarin being hurled at us - we don't even know who to answer or response to. And then, in the midst of the commotion, we bumped into none other than Wilson from Red Bliss (RB).

Let me side-track again, Wilson was the photographer for Kee Woon & Lai Yee, Danson & Jazmyn, and also Bear's cousin. That makes THREE satisfied customers of RB! And of course, Wilson recognised us. He asked us to take our time and walked a bit first before stopping by at their booth. He will be waiting for us.

So, he asked Alice, the owner of Red Bliss to talk to us. She immediately drafted out a package to offer us. Of course, we were skeptical because I heard horror stories of bridal houses cheating their clients. Not delivering what they have promised AFTER the initial deposit was made etc. But on the other hand, I have read good reviews on them through Malaysia Brides Forum, plus our 3 friends were happy with their service. The only set back is that their after-sales service is a bit slow.

Realising that we were hesitant, Alice threw in more stuff (read: freebies) into the existing package. Bear without so much of a blink of an eye immediately agreed! No joke ok! And the bride (read: me) is suppose to be the one kan cheong about bridal houses!
I stared at Bear. And he just turned to me and asked ,"What?"
Yes, thats all and promptly went on to request on the Actual Day (AD) photography package, leaving the bride clueless. Turns out that Wilson is Alice's husband, which reminds me of a particular incident that make me very paiseh. During Bear's cousin's wedding last year, I asked Wilson whether if he is ok with us hiring him as an AD photographer but we get another bridal house package.
Bear could'nt stop me in time before I blurted out the question.
Oh well... not to say I have never embrassed myself in front of people before. *shrug*
I would say that Alice and Wilson threw in a not-too-bad package for the AD photography (because we are signing up the bridal package as well). RB charged us a 1 day fee for a 2 day event. And fast edit + montage is free.
We strongly believe that they are genuine people and we won't get conned. *fingers crossed* So, took my card and swiped RM1,800 for the deposit and hence secured RB as our bridal house and Wilson as our AD photographer. Hopefully pre-wedding pictures will turn out beautiful and natural.
Without further a due, let me share with you my wedding package *excited* :
Photo Shoot:
2 Wedding Gown (WG)
2 Evening Gown (EG)
1 Kuah (Option to change to EG)
1 Coat (Flexible to change)
1 Outdoor Shoot (KL/PJ)
55 poses + 10 MV for 2 albums
20 pages 12x18 e-design crystal or lace-border album
20 pages 8x12 full-length album or 18x6 long album
1 unit 20x48 e-design photo + frame
2 units 10x15 photo + frame
1 unit 9x19 photo + frame
1 unit 8x12 photo + frame
2 units 2R repeat pose mini albums
MTV Love Story
Behind-The-Scene Video
Actual Day:
1 WG
2 EG (Option to change 1 to WG)
2 EG (Option to change 1 to WG)
1 Coat
1 Bridal Bouquet
1 Bridal Bouquet
1 Groom Corsage
Car Decor
Additional Freebies:
Upgrade 2-pages of Couple Concept in the big album (additional 20 poses)
Additional 1 gown fitting session
Interview Clips
The day after we signed up, Flo excitedly went with us to RB and I tried on the gowns! There are SO MANY to choose from! I was confuse! Make me so gian ok. Love it!!! Can't wait to go for gown fitting. :)
As of now, am diligently going for Body Combat to tone up so I can look hot! *woot*. Yea.. I am vain I know. :p
The Bride-To-Be
ReplyDeleteThat is really interesting!
sikh wedding videography