Heart my makeup
My photoshoot yesterday with Red Bliss was superbly fun and I would do it all over again if given a choice! The team assigned to me was so pleasant to work with. Wilson the photographer was so accommodating and funny, KT the videographer (although we didn't talk much) was also very patient with us. Best of all, Beeky the MUA was an extremely nice and caring girl. She not only worked her magic on me, she helped wiped the sweat off Bear's face, she helped carried our belonging, and she has such a gentle demure. If I haven't engaged in my AD MUA, I would've gotten her instead. For sure.

Bear was more excited than me that he went shopping in Jusco and got himself a brand new pair of Hush Puppies shoes, belt, and white undies. He packed two bags of stuff for the photoshoot - so much so that me and his Dad were questioning him why the need to pack so much! Prior to that, I had already done my dental scaling and manicure/pedicure. On the other hand, I only packed a small bag containing of the props, face towel, and two sets of casual wear. We also bought some bread in case we were hungry halfway through the photoshoot - which proved to be a darn good idea. We only slept at 1:00am that night.

Accessories for the hair
The day started when we woke up at 5:15 am, got dressed, and I had a quick breakfast of cup noodles and Bear made himself a cup of hot tea. I made myself a hot coffee and packed it in a thermos mug to bring it along to RB. Reached RB at 6:30am and Beeky and Jojo greeted us. Beeky directed us to a house nearby, intended for our indoor photoshoot. For those who don't know, RB bought a house for indoor photoshoot - the location was newly opened 2 weeks ago. The change of location is a good move as it provides more background/scenery and it is more spacious. Plus point, the entire house is AIR-CONDITIONED! Woohooo ~
Beeky quickly started to do make-up for me. It was AMAZING - the overall look was so natural and I totally LOVED it to bits!! I told her I don't want tiaras cos it looks cheesy and my hairdo was perfect!!! When I was halfway done, Wilson came in with KT to take some shots. After I was done, it was Bear's turn. He looked so dashingly hot ok!! Beeky allowed some imperfection in Bear's complexion cos it makes him him. We both don't want to loo like an artificial Barbie Doll & Ken in the photos. *swoooonn*
While Beeky was doing my make-up, I kay~poh around a bit. There were a total of 3 couples (including us) who was suppose to go for shooting that day. Couple #1 was heading to Port Dickson and the photographer (Paul) assigned to them was not-so friendly (at least that's what I thought), thank God we didn't get him. Oh, and the bride wore such a low-cut gown (half of her boobs was hanging out) I found it so amusing :). Couple #2 was suppose to do indoor shoot only. The bride dah lah came in late, some more threw tantrums ... memang crazy. Their photographer (Apple) is good/funny/friendly. If I am not mistaken, she is a Taiwanese. Based on my observation, I think my team from RB is the most power-packed! Woots~
About 7:45am we proceeded with our casual shoot - the theme was sporty. We had so much of fun!! A lot of jumping, clowning around, and climbing!! We were laughing so loud ok! I guess it was good warm up for us before the actual wedding shoot.
Then, we changed to the indoor wedding gown and Bear had to wear full white. He looked damn gay ok!! Hahahahahaaha ... Took a few shots in the house, then we walked over to their shop for more indoor shoots - i.e. with the piano, on the laminated flooring etc. Yes.. we WALKED! Crossed the road, passed the mamak stalls, and passed New Paris Restaurant. :p Then back to the house where I had to stand on Yellow Pages cos
Thereafter, I changed to my light blue chiffon evening gown and Bear changed into a black suit. Took more serious shots. We took a little bit around the compound of the house as well. By now, me and Bear were tired from smiling and posing already. Wilson kept on telling me not to hunch, not to smile too wide
At about 11:30pm, it was time for lunch. Bear ran across to the mamak and tapau~ed fried rice for me. By then, I was really famished. He bought a bottle of Coke for Beeky too. Once done, Beeky quickly touch up my make-up and restyle my hair and I changed into my two-tone pink/purple evening gown. We proceeded to shoot at the lawn of the house and I just couldn't help but squint (Angie help!!)! It was glaring and I have no idea why is my eyes so sensitive. Wilson and KT was so accommodating that they actually transported two huge-ass styrofoam from the house to block the sunlight! Then, we went back inside and Wilson took loads of portrait shots. We had to pose by the stairs and I had to lie down
Wilson : "You put both of your elbow on the railing"
Geri : "Ok.. like this?"
Wilson : *after pondering* "Er .. never mind, put it back down again"
Apparently, my boobs was too big.
By 2:30pm, I changed again to my Chinese Kua. I was telling Beeky that it was really tiring already and I wonder why some brides will die-die also want to fight for a lot of gowns for the photoshoot. How to tahan so many change wor??

At about 3:30pm, Wilson hurried us for the outdoor shoot in FRIM as it was threatening to rain. Beeky quickly assisted me to change into my outdoor wedding gown. And guess what, it couldn't fit me! She apologized profusely and rushed to RB to get it altered for me ASAP.
While waiting for her, Bear slept like a log.
And to entertain myself, I went round the house to

Around 4:30pm, we rushed off to FRIM and took some really nice shots (I hope). We had no choice but to quickly take the 'must-have' spots first. By the time we reached the waterfalls, it was already drizzling. Nevertheless, we continued taking. It was a really wet affair!! I had to lie down on the rocks! Then, it started pouring! We made a dash for the car! Wilson said not to worry cos we covered the 'core spots', just that some of the actions that he had in mind was not used. :( A bit sayang lo.
Then, we drove to church (and I slept all the way) to take our MTV Love Story. Then back to the studio for more recording. The day ended at 7:30pm at the mamak near RB for another recording. It was really tiring. I slept at 10:30pm that night.
We had scheduled to view the photos next Saturday, 17 April. We had loads of fun, no doubt about that. Hopefully the pictures will turn out great! *fingers cross*
I tak sabar-sabar nak tengok gambar kamu dgn Francis ler..hehehehe..
ReplyDeleteActually I also tak sabar wanna view the pictures! But.. kinda worried that the pics may not turn out good, or my photos will turn out with me having cock~ed eyed.. or.. or ... *ARGH**~~~!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCHILLLLLLLLL...it will look good on you! Have faith la babe :P
ReplyDeletehehehe..some shots saw bear zzzzz on the chair..hahaha..must be waiting for you to get done..
ReplyDeleteAiya, Wilson is good..i'm sure he already knew which angle to take he spotted anything.. dun worry.. :) guess, after ur wedding i can only see ur pics & videos :(
Yeah he is actuallly.. but I am generally not photogenic wan ma. Nvm la, I don't have any expectations also (which is good) so in case of anything, I won't be too disappointed. :p On the hindsight, IF the photos turned out so-so, then we won't be too gatal to wanna add more poses (which will cost a bomb!!!).
ReplyDeleteI hope you get a good team to work with too when your photoshoot time comes. Working with a great time is SO important!
Yalo... you can't make it for our dinner also.:( Maybe can show you earlier? Hehehehehehe
Talking bout that, me and Bear have another pre-wedding cinematography with Hanzfoto somewhere in June/July again! 0_o" WwwwEeeeeeeeeEE!!!
wah!! semacam celebrity lar u two..hahaha..
ReplyDeletehey, did u manage to select any 'deep V' gaun?? tat wud look like on ya..
I'm not sure if we're getting wilson..it doesn't stated in our receipt.. anyways will check w jojo again.
yes, yes! i wana see!!.. is ok, if you don't feel comfortable..u can show it to me after your wedding.
The bad thing is that you don't get to choose your PG,VG, and MUA. It is all determined by RB. :( We were very blessed to be placed in a good team.
ReplyDeleteI selected a few V-neck gown but bear went like :o ... cos too low and can see a lot of cleavage. So, in the end I didn't choose. :p