I have not been going to the gym for almost a year. Reason is simple – I was just too lazy and I’ve lost all enthusiasm. I still love Body Combat to bits and pieces and because of Body Combat I managed to tone up my body in the places that was supposed to be toned.
I just find going to the gym very uncomfortable, especially if I had to go alone (there used to be 4 of us going together) due to the following reasons:
1. It is too male-dominated;
2. You don’t feel belonged;
3. The classes are way to packed;
4. You have to fight for a space;
5. It is too male-dominated;
6. It is too male-dominated; and
7. It is too male-dominated.
I realized that these are just excuses, excuses, and more excuses for me to be lazy and not work my ass off. As a consequence for slacking off, I have managed to ‘achieve’ the following:
1. Gained weight from 50kg to 55kg (and still is going up);
2. Visible ‘spare tyres’ on my tummy (upgraded from one to two);
3. Abs had turned into flabs;
4. Arms have grown flabby and bigger;
5. Ass has gone big and saggy;
6. Thunder thighs with very obvious stretch marks;
7. Clothes size went from M to L/XL;
8. Boobs size maintained at 34C;
9. Waist size upgraded from 27/28 inches to 33 inches;
10. Hips was the worst – upgraded from 34 inches to 39 INCHES;
11. I can’t fit into any of my clothes now;
12. I feel sluggish and fat;
13. My stamina went downhill; and in general
14. I don’t feel pretty/hot anymore :(

It was so bad that I nearly resorted to visiting those slimming centers and was prepared to fork out thousands of Ringgit to get back in shape. Yeah, to that extend. :( I was also contemplating on buying the Ogawa Trimax or Osim U-Kimono (vibrating slimming belt). Yes, I was desperate. And to think the last time, I was a firm believer that these options are meant for lazy people who wants to loose weight the easy way, which most likely will not work.

I even tried my own WLM remedy – which failed miserably.

Then common sense got the better of me. Thank God I had loads of time to think it though and my bonus was not in yet. I decided to take charge of my looks AND HEALTH and thus decided to go for a healthier and more wholesome alternative. I googled dance exercise classes and lo and behold; I found Jazzercise. Found an all ladies class only and the following plus points:
#1: The classes are small.
#2: The group is tight-knit which means everyone knows everyone.
#3: You can come in with your old tees and grandma shorts and no one will even give a damn.
#4: Near my house.
#5: Jazzercise is perfectly fine for pregnant mummies :)
Jazzercise is a dance-based group fitness program that offers a fun and effective total body workout. Each 60-minute Jazzercise class features a fusion of jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing, and Latin-style movements set to popular music.

I’ve attended my first trial class on Saturday in STOMP Fitness Centre, located in Section 14 (behind Bank Islam opposite from the mosque). I was the only student there at that time and I have to say it was not too bad. Of course, I had trouble following the steps but that should be sorted out with a few more classes (fingers cross). The steps are repetitive and I need to get used to the commands. Basically, Jazzercise comprises of warm-up, cardio workout, stretching, and light-weight lifting. In due time I would be able to loose me excess kgs and tone up my flabby parts.
I intend to sign for the classes – RM100 per month for unlimited classes. Well, if I am prepared to part with my cash for slimming centers, what is RM100? So far I have joined 2 classes and am going for another one later. :)
Hope that I would be discipline enough to stay put in classes. Its time to whip my ass back in shape!
Mrs Lee
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