Bersih’s request is well ... fair.
My stand is simple, if you have nothing to hide then why oppose to a more transparent election? Democracy is all about fairness and the freedom of speech right? I have to applaud Bersih for its courage to stand up to the Government and act as the voice of the Rakyat. It is high time that we are being represented by an organization who acts as a watchdog of the Government. The Rakyat are getting more and more eloquent and knowledgeable. We are no longer living in the Dark Ages.
May I ask why go to the extreme to outlaw Bersih? Did they threaten the security of the nation? Did they raise any racial sentiments? Did they wage a war against the Government? Never once did Bersih raise the issue of race. In fact, Ibrahim Ali should be arrested for his slanderous remarks and his threats time and again against all the other races. Doesn’t his act warrant him to be detained under the ISA? Shouldn’t then Perkasa be disbanded and made illegal? Food for thought.

Enough with the racial issues already!
Ibrahim Ali should learn to shut the f up. If it was not because of him, the rally would be a peaceful one. Enough with the “Ketuanan Melayu” thing. No one has challenged that before so don’t keep mentioning about it. Sudah lapuk already ok. By the way, where were you on July 9? Batang hidung pun tak nampak. Wuss ~
Opposition parties who has other ideas.
What I didn’t like was the fact that opposition parties took this opportunity to jump into the bandwagon and rode on Bersih for their own personal gain. Let’s all be focus here … Bersih’s ultimate motive is for a clean election NOT for other political parties to state their propaganda – you can save it for the General Election later.

Bersih took one-step back and compromised by agreeing to hold the rally in a Stadium instead of on the streets during its audience with the King. Why can’t then the damn permit to Stadium Merdeka be granted to Bersih? What do you mean by asking them to hold their rallies in “their own stadium”? Isn’t Stadium Merdeka the Rakyat’s? If the permit was granted, the protestors would all be contained in the Stadium and would be easier for the police force and FRU to monitor. Seems that the authorities are doing whatever they can to stop Bersih from seeking a fair election.
Brutality against the Rakyat.
Yes, am sure that we have seen loads of videos and pictures depicting the police and FRU firing tear-gas, spraying water, and using batons on the protestors. Judging from them, it seems that the armed forces went ahead too far to “silence” the protestors. If it was a peaceful rally with no rowdiness, all weapons should be used sparingly (or not at all) against the Rakyat. When you use brute force on the Rakyat, you expect them to retaliate. And, by the way all hospitals are off limits.
But on the other hand, how else do you expect the armed forces to disperse the massive crowds? How are they gonna do a crowd control? You be the judge.

I feel that our PM should have stepped in and had a discussion with Bersih – to try to find ways to settle the issue amicably. During the height of the rally, our PM was “doing his usual official business” i.e. attending the Flora Exhibition in Putrajaya. Come on … which one should be placed at a higher priority? He left it to the “good” hands of the PDRM and FRU. It is almost like a coup/junta situation – a country run by armies. So disappointed.
In the true spirit of 1Malaysia.
Despite it all, I also saw all races of Malay, Chinese, and Indian came together and unite as one fighting for the same cause, helping each other in need, and supporting one another. I have never seen unity such as this before. Truly heart warming – shows that we can be one as Malaysian regardless of race if we choose to.
My stand is simple, if you have nothing to hide then why oppose to a more transparent election? Democracy is all about fairness and the freedom of speech right? I have to applaud Bersih for its courage to stand up to the Government and act as the voice of the Rakyat. It is high time that we are being represented by an organization who acts as a watchdog of the Government. The Rakyat are getting more and more eloquent and knowledgeable. We are no longer living in the Dark Ages.
May I ask why go to the extreme to outlaw Bersih? Did they threaten the security of the nation? Did they raise any racial sentiments? Did they wage a war against the Government? Never once did Bersih raise the issue of race. In fact, Ibrahim Ali should be arrested for his slanderous remarks and his threats time and again against all the other races. Doesn’t his act warrant him to be detained under the ISA? Shouldn’t then Perkasa be disbanded and made illegal? Food for thought.

Enough with the racial issues already!
Ibrahim Ali should learn to shut the f up. If it was not because of him, the rally would be a peaceful one. Enough with the “Ketuanan Melayu” thing. No one has challenged that before so don’t keep mentioning about it. Sudah lapuk already ok. By the way, where were you on July 9? Batang hidung pun tak nampak. Wuss ~
Opposition parties who has other ideas.
What I didn’t like was the fact that opposition parties took this opportunity to jump into the bandwagon and rode on Bersih for their own personal gain. Let’s all be focus here … Bersih’s ultimate motive is for a clean election NOT for other political parties to state their propaganda – you can save it for the General Election later.

Bersih took one-step back and compromised by agreeing to hold the rally in a Stadium instead of on the streets during its audience with the King. Why can’t then the damn permit to Stadium Merdeka be granted to Bersih? What do you mean by asking them to hold their rallies in “their own stadium”? Isn’t Stadium Merdeka the Rakyat’s? If the permit was granted, the protestors would all be contained in the Stadium and would be easier for the police force and FRU to monitor. Seems that the authorities are doing whatever they can to stop Bersih from seeking a fair election.
Brutality against the Rakyat.
Yes, am sure that we have seen loads of videos and pictures depicting the police and FRU firing tear-gas, spraying water, and using batons on the protestors. Judging from them, it seems that the armed forces went ahead too far to “silence” the protestors. If it was a peaceful rally with no rowdiness, all weapons should be used sparingly (or not at all) against the Rakyat. When you use brute force on the Rakyat, you expect them to retaliate. And, by the way all hospitals are off limits.
But on the other hand, how else do you expect the armed forces to disperse the massive crowds? How are they gonna do a crowd control? You be the judge.

I feel that our PM should have stepped in and had a discussion with Bersih – to try to find ways to settle the issue amicably. During the height of the rally, our PM was “doing his usual official business” i.e. attending the Flora Exhibition in Putrajaya. Come on … which one should be placed at a higher priority? He left it to the “good” hands of the PDRM and FRU. It is almost like a coup/junta situation – a country run by armies. So disappointed.
In the true spirit of 1Malaysia.
Despite it all, I also saw all races of Malay, Chinese, and Indian came together and unite as one fighting for the same cause, helping each other in need, and supporting one another. I have never seen unity such as this before. Truly heart warming – shows that we can be one as Malaysian regardless of race if we choose to.

One thing's for sure, the events that unfolded on 9 July 2011 will forever be etch in our minds and hearts.
On 9 July 2011, the Rakyat finally came together, united for a call of a fair and trasparent election.
Proud to be a Anak Malaysia;
Mrs Lee
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